The FTO provides support to the school through fundraising, community events, and other school support as requested. It takes an army to accomplish all we do each year! Volunteers are currently needed in several areas.
We highly encourage every family to volunteer for a minimum of two 30-minute shifts at events per year.
Please fill out the form below that outlines the volunteer opportunities or email dwfs.fto@gmail.com for more information.
Thank you!
Annual Used Book Sale Feb 6-7
Students will be shopping with their classes on Thursday, so please send your kids with a few dollars to purchase some books. This is a great way to get inexpensive books and to clean your bookshelves of books you no longer want.
The Used Book Sale will be open to parents, family, and friends on Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the MPR
Donate your books and sign up to help out!
The FTO is now collecting used book donations. Donations may be dropped off in the collection box in the breezeway or in the MPR.
If you are cleaning out your books, we would love to have them. We accept books for all ages, homeschool materials, games, puzzles, math manipulatives, and NEW this year - gently used DWFS spirit wear!
We also need volunteers to help with the Used Book Sale! Volunteers get to purchase books before anyone else after helping.
Sign up above to help sort or sell books.
FTO Volunteer Shoutouts
Kristy Baker: Creating Facebook posts for events
Melissa Eaton: Creating Instagram posts for events
Kiki Brar: Organizing landscape day
Updating the FTO website: Erica Gonzales
Our Crossing Guards for keeping us safe!
Crossing guards: Desouri Barka, Christina Stick, Brooke Neely, Charlie Brunt, Yui Norii, Tiffany Medford, Frank Borja, Carrie Irvin
Crossing Guards: Having crossing guards has significantly increased the safety for our students at pick-up and drop-off times. Please consider signing up to be one of our crossing guards this year!
In order to spread this huge responsibility around to our entire community, the FTO is asking you to consider signing up to be a crossing guard for ONE DAY A WEEK, for ONE TIME SLOT (either AM or PM) for ONE MONTH (or more!) at a time. For example, Wednesday AM - January means crossing guard duty every Wednesday morning for the month of January. That's only four days for 15 minutes each day, so just one hour of your time.
Thank you to our volunteers and teachers for making Zombie Fun Run a success!
Gross Revenue: $5000
Event Chair: Sarah Richardson
Event committee: Charlie Brunt, Desouri Barka, Tela Schwebach
Event volunteers:
Ashley Shaw
Ben Steiner
Bethany Boyack
Brooke Neely
Carrie Irvin
Charlie Brunt
Christina Pizzala
Christina Stick
Daniel Richardson
Desouri Barka
Emily Downey
Emily Sanchez
Ethan Howe
Ginette Prudhomme
Heather Bradley
Jason Neely
Jessika Maestas
JoAnna and William Drane
Kaily Brunson
Karen Taylor
Karen Timm
Katherine Morgan
Katie Morgan
Kelly Sibert
Kimran Buckholz
Kristen Vigil
Larissa Ritter
Leslie Chavez
Lorene Garcia
Luis Contreras
Lupe Espinoza
Lynn Doxon
Malia Orell
Marisa Nochumson
Martina Moore
Mary clements
Megan Burdock
Melissa Eaton
Nickolaus Sanchez
Nicole Ray
Rachel Madzima
Rebecca Wildey
Sheila D Klopfer
Stephanie Marrufo
T.J. Mannos
Tela Schwebach
Thomas Case
Tiffany Tesinsky
Toby Szuch
Tod Chavez
Todd Stockton
Valerie Turner
Whitney Defoor