
2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

We are so thankful for the support of our local communities and businesses who graciously donate funds to provide valuable opportunities for our students. We hope you will consider joining us as a sponsor of DWFS!

Funds raised will be used for a wide range of support across our school. That support is shown through supplemental curriculums, updating technology, resources for our STEM lab, teacher allotments for classroom needs, providing a new shade structure, and other valuable student programs at Desert Willow Family School.

We hope you will consider joining us as a DWFS Sponsor.

Thank you to our DWFS School Sponsors!

We are so thankful for the support of our local communities and businesses who graciously donate funds to provide valuable opportunities for our students. We hope you will consider joining us as a sponsor of DWFS! 

Duke City Games - Platinum Sponsor 

Energy Balance & Integration, LLC - Platinum Sponsor

Megan’s Pantry - Silver Sponsor

Wash Brite Laundromat - Bronze Sponsor

Yucca Point Roofing and Construction - Bronze Sponsor

Outlaw Mechanical - Bronze Sponsor

Funds raised will be used for a wide range of support across our school. That support is shown through supplemental curriculums, updating technology, resources for our STEM lab, teacher allotments for classroom needs, providing a new shade structure, and other valuable student programs at Desert Willow Family School.

We hope you will consider joining us as a DWFS sponsor. Please email if you are interested. 


Art Supply Checks: $2,550

Coffee in the Courtyard: $45

20 Copies of Soundless by Richelle Mead: $181

Sponsorship Posters: $240



Chipotle Fundraiser: $50

Roller King Fundraiser: $400

Zombie Net Income: $7,427

Zoo Field Trip Net Income: $37

United Way Donation: $59

Bank of America Donation: $1,500

Amazon Associates: $72

November Financial Breakdown

APS Annual Budget Documents - Click on this link to view the available APS Annual Budget Documents.

Abbreviated FTO Budget - Abbreviated version of the DWFS FTO's 2024 - 2025 budget.

Fundraisers you can expect this year include:

Zombie Fun Run in October

Art Night in December

Love Your School campaign in February

Silent Auction in April 

All other events and sales (i.e. yearbook and merchandise) are Community-Building events and our goal is to our cover costs on these events, not make money.


When you shop at Amazon through the Amazon Associates affiliate link on the left, up to 10% of the purchase is donated to the FTO. The prices are the same for you. This is much more powerful than Amazon Smiles, which returns only 0.5% of the purchase to the FTO. You must start every Amazon purchase at our website to have the higher percentage returned to the FTO!

Smith's Inspiring Donations:

Smith’s Food and Drug donates millions of dollars annually through Smith’s Inspiring Donations.  Simply follow the directions here to select the Desert Willow FTO as your designated charity. Smith’s will donate a portion of your shopping bill back to the school.

United Way

When you donate to United Way through employer donation drives (such as Sandia National Labs or University of New Mexico), you can designate a nonprofit organization to receive your donation. Designate the Desert Willow FTO to have your donation sent directly to the FTO.