Desert Willow
Community News & Updates
Important Dates to Remember
Fri, Jan 10th@ 8.05 am: FTO Meeting
Tue, Jan 7th: Meow Wolf ticket deadline
Tue, Jan 14th @ 5pm: Inquiry Class in the MPR
DWFS School Sponsors
We are so thankful for the support of our local communities and businesses who graciously donate funds to provide valuable opportunities for our students. We hope you will consider joining us as a sponsor of DWFS!
Platinum Sponsors
Energy Balance & Integration, LLC
Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 49
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Mountain View Physical Therapy
Bronze Sponsors
Blackman's Champion Martial Arts
Brooke Neely Law Firm
Electrical & Security Systems LLC
Singere LLC
Yucca Point Roofing and Construction
Email if you have any questions.
Art Night was a Success!!
Art Night was a huge success! The students produced beautiful artwork under the vision and guidance of our super creative teachers; we enjoyed cookies and hot chocolate while listening to our talented musical performers in the MPR; we strolled the twinkle-light-filled classrooms that were transformed into magical galleries!
Not only was the event so enjoyable, but we raised a good bit of money to continue supporting our students and teachers. We raised about $8000 (gross income)!
THANK YOU to our Art Night volunteers! It truly takes the whole community to run this event - everyone who pitched in was essential to making Art Night a success!
Event Lead: Malia Orell
Planning Committee:
Yui Norii (Musical performance lead)
Bliss Spencer | Julie Baum | Tiffany Tesinsky
Katie Morgan | Katie Brooks | Kiki Brar
Ariel Liu | Kristy Baker | Erica Gonzales
Caitlin Welch
Event volunteers:
Ajasha Silver | Alice Muna | Alyson Shurtz
Amy Stewart | Ashley Gilbert | Ashley Shaw
Brooke Neely | Chris Buckholz | Christina Stick
Danielle Carrillo | Frank Emanuel | Hannah Kuhn
Harlan Schmitt | Kari Brane | Katherine Morgan
Kimran Buckholz | Larissa Ritter | Lydia Dallas
Marisa Nochumson | Mary Clements | Melodie Schmitt
Rachel Madzima | Rachel Yellowhair-Morrison
Sarah Olson | Sarah Richardson | Seth Wilson
Stefanie Davis | Tara Biehl | Theresa Ambrogi
Tori Reynolds
Inquiry Class 1/14
Introduction to Inquiry: Parent Education Class
Spring is inquiry time at Desert Willow Family School as our students get into their projects and prepare for inquiry fair! DWFS is once again pleased to offer a special parent class on the process of inquiry here at DWFS.
"Intro to Inquiry" covers the basic inquiry process, as well as how to support your student at home as they find and investigate their own questions. Staff will touch on all grade levels and a wide variety of support strategies.
As a reminder, we have some awesome curriculum resources on our website including CRITICAL REFRAMERS!!!
Meow Wolf Field Trip 1/27
The DWFS FTO has organized a community event at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe on Monday, January 27 for the DWFS community!
DWFS FTO is able to offer tickets to Meow Wolf for only $13/person, which is 50% off regular general admission tickets. All participants must be confirmed and paid for by January 7, 2023.
DWFS FTO has secured three sessions. Please visit the Event tab for more information
Spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
FTO Volunteer Shoutouts
Our Crossing Guards for keeping us safe!
Crossing guards: Desouri Barka, Christina Stick, Brooke Neely, Charlie Brunt, Yui Norii, Tiffany Medford, Frank Borja, Carrie Irvin
November Financial Update
DWFS 2024-2025 Calendar
WHO: 6th - 8th graders will complete. 5th graders will be able to join and prep for the following year's competition. Jacob Hobbs will be the coach.
WHAT: MATHCOUNTS is a national math enrichment program and competition series focused on engaging the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of middle schoolers.
WHERE: Ms. Nicole's classroom - room #6
WHEN: Fridays after school until 2PM; starts on Nov 1st
WHO: This club is open to all grade levels
WHAT: The club will focus on all board games (no electronic games will be played.)
WHERE: The club will be meeting in Room 3,(Ms Emma’s Classroom)
WHEN: 1-2PM on Fridays, starting on Oct. 4th.
For more info click here
If you have any games to donate please bring them to Ms Emma’s classroom or leave them in the front office with the secretary.
Interested in where the money that we raise goes? Click below to view our budget for this year.